Bytearray API: ¶
Module shared_atomic
bytearray provide atomic operations, the bytearray should be no longer than 8 bytes :attributes
encoding: readonly string character set size: readonly size of the array initial_length: readonly initial input length value: read/write value of the bytearray int_value: readonly int value reference: readonly pointer to the backend array mode: readonly ‘s’ for single process, ‘m’ for multiprocessing, on windows platform, only singleprocessing is supported
constructor to initialize the bytearray, the bytearray should be no longer than 8 bytes
- Parameters
initial – initial value of the bytearray, if the initial value is longer than 8 bytes, please specify the trimming target length, or else it would fail.
mode – the mode in which the bytearray will be shared. ‘singleprocessing’ or ‘s’ for single process, ‘multiprocessing’ or ‘m’ for multiprocessing, on windows platform, only singleprocessing is supported, setting it to ‘m’ or ‘multiprocessing’ will be ignored.
length – the expected length after padding/trimming for the input value, if not specified, no padding or trimming performed, use original value.
paddingdirection – right, or left side the padding bytes would be added if not specified, pad to the right side, use ‘right’ or ‘r’ to specify right side, use ‘left’ or ‘l’ to specify the left side.
paddingbytes – bytes to pad to the original bytes, by default b’\0’ can be multiple bytes like b’ab’, will be padded to the original bytes in circulation until the expected length is reached.
trimming_direction – if initial bytes are longer, on which side the bytes will be trimmed. By default, on the right side, use ‘right’ or ‘r’ to specify right side, use ‘left’ or ‘l’ to specify the left side.
windows_unix_compatibility – whether the source code should be compatible with windows x64
Increment and fetch atomically
- Parameters
n – bytes will be added to the array.
trim – whether of not to trim the returning b’\0’ when fetch, default True
- Returns
the contents of resulted bytearray
Bitwise AND and fetch the result atomically
- Parameters
n – the other operand of AND operation.
trim – whether of not to trim the returning b’\0’ when fetch, default True
- Returns
the contents of resulted bytearray
Compare and set atomically,This compares the contents of self with the contents of i. If equal, the operation is a read-modify-write operation that writes n into self. If they are not equal, the operation is a read and the current contents of itself are written into i.
- Parameters
i – the bytearray to be compared with
n – another bytes to be ready to set to self if comparision return True
- Returns
if self is equal to i return True, else return False
Compare and swap atomically, This compares the contents of self with the contents of n. If equal, the operation is a read-modify-write operation that writes n into self. If they are not equal, No operation will be performed.
- Parameters
i – exchange value
n – The value to be compared with
trim – whether the returned bytes should be trimmed of tailing b’\0’
- Returns
the initial value of the self
fetch and increment atomically
- Parameters
n – the bytes will be added to the array
trim – whether of not to trim the returning b’\0’ when fetch, default True
- Returns
the original contents of the bytearray
Fetch then bitwise AND atomically
- Parameters
n – the other operands of AND operation
trim – whether of not to trim the returning b’\0’ when fetch, default True
- Returns
the original contents of the bytearray
fetch then bitwise NAND(AND first then NOT) atomically
- Parameters
n – the other operands of NAND operation
trim – whether of not to trim the returning b’\0’ when fetch, default True
- Returns
the original contents of the bytearray
Fetch then bitwise OR atomically
- Parameters
n – the other operands of OR operation
trim – whether of not to trim the returning b’\0’ when fetch, default True
- Returns
the original contents of the bytearray
fetch and decrement atomically
- Parameters
n – the bytes will be substracted from the array
trim – whether of not to trim the returning b’\0’ when fetch, default True
- Returns
the original contents of the bytearray
Fetch then bitwise XOR atomically
- Parameters
n – the other operands of XOR operation
trim – whether of not to trim the returning b’\0’ when fetch, default True
- Returns
the original contents of the bytearray
Get and set atomically
- Parameters
data – new data
trim – whether of not to trim the returning b’\0’ when get, default True
- Returns
the original bytes
bitsise NAND(AND first then NOT) and fetch the result atomically
:param n:the other operand of NAND operation :param trim: whether of not to trim the returning b’\0’ when fetch, default True :return: the contents of resulted bytearray
bitsise OR and fetch the result atomically
- Parameters
n – the other operand of OR operation
trim – whether of not to trim the returning b’\0’ when fetch, default True
- Returns
the contents of resulted bytearray
Value exchange between 3 bytearrays in 2 groups atomically, the initial_length field will be updated but not atomically. store i in itself after store itself in j
- Parameters
i – one atomic_bytearray
j – another atomic_bytearray
- Returns
Atomically store contents from another bytearray to this bytearray, if the other bytearray is different with this one in size , the function will fail.
- Parameters
i – another bytearray to store its value to self
- Returns
Decrement and fetch atomically
- Parameters
n – bytes will be subtracted from the array.
trim – whether of not to trim the returning b’\0’ when fetch, default True
- Returns
the contents of resulted bytearray
bitsise XOR and fetch the result atomically
- Parameters
n – the other operand of XOR operation
trim – whether of not to trim the returning b’\0’ when fetch, default True
- Returns
the contents of resulted bytearray
Switch between singleprocessing mode and multiprocessing mode, the contents will be copied , other threads/processes would not be aware of the change.
- Parameters
newmode – the mode to change to, ‘m’ for multiproessing, ‘s’ for singleprocessing. default ‘m’
windows_unix_compatibility – if change to multiprocessing mode, whether the source code should be compatible with windows x64
- Returns
Get all the bytes from the bytearray atomically :param trim: if True, the leading b’\0’ would be trimmed, by default: True
- Returns
all the bytes in the bytearray
Get the integer representation from the bytearray, the whole array would be treated as a large integer
- Returns
the integer representation
same with get_int
trim or pad the original contents in the bytearray to a new length, the new length should be no longer than 8 bytes, the original array wll be replaced with new array, which is only valid in the master process/thread
- Parameters
newlength – the expected new length of the original bytes.
paddingdirection – if longer than original, left or right sidethe original bytes should be padded, by default right side,use ‘right’ or ‘r’ to specify right side, use ‘left’ or ‘l’ to specify the left side.
paddingbytes – bytes to pad to the original bytes, by default b’\0’ can be multiple bytes like b’ab’, will be padded to the original bytes in circulation until the expected length is reached.
trimming_direction – if shorted than original, left or right side the original bytes should be padded,use ‘right’ or ‘r’ to specify right side,use ‘left’ or ‘l’ to specify the left side.
- Returns
Set the value in the bytearray, if the new data is longer than the original size of the array. it will expand the array accordingly which only could be used in the master process/thread the size of the bytearray can be check with self.size
- Parameters
data – input bytearray
- Returns
same with get_bytes without trimming and set_bytes